Shadow Watch #4 is off to the editor!

Mar 17, 2021 2:28 am


The final Shadow Watch book is off to the editor!

I believe this photo shows just how excited I am to be done with these edits...


The work's not done quite yet. I'll still have to work through my editor's changes, and there will be a few final passes on some pivotal scenes, but the bulk of the work is done. And I am so relieved and excited for you to see how it all ends!

This book is wild from the start. There are so many surprises in store, and the final climactic sequences are beyond anything you've seen in any of the previous books. I hope you love it as much as I do!

We are two months from launch! Don't forget to Pre-Order!


If it's been awhile since you've read the first three books, join me on Facebook or Instagram. I will be revisiting some of my favorite scenes from the first three books over the next two months, and offering some behind the scenes insight, starting later this week. I'd love for you to join!


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I am so proud of how the series ends, and now, I am very ready to relax for a few weeks while the editor works through it.

I actually have some time to read again! Which I am so happy for.

I am finishing up Sword of Kaigen this week (seriously, one of the best books I've read in the past couple years). Then reading my advanced copy of Stones of Light by Zack Argyle, which I have been dying to start. Then, it's time to re-read Shadow and Bone before the new Netflix series comes out in a few weeks.

What books are you reading right now? What's on your TBR list?

I am always looking for new suggestions, and would love to hear your recent favorites!

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All right, that's all for now!

Hope you and yours are well!

S.A. Klopfenstein

