Hi There!Real quick, I just shared something on LinkedIn that anyone looking to buy a franchise will find valuable. Here it is.Buying A Franchise?What questions should you be asking?When you're on the phone with your franchise sales rep at franchise...
Hi there!I promised to make more videos.So here's a super-short one, and it's focused on one very important thing.Watch This Franchise Video_______________________________The Franchise King®Joel Libava216-831-2610Request Information From One Of These...
Hi there!If you become the owner of a franchise business, have you thought about the lifestyle you want to have? What your days are going to look like?From my strategic partner, Franchise Direct:"A good decision on lifestyle means using your imaginat...
Hi there!I'm not perfect. I'm don't always do what's best for me. Can you relate?In this case, I'm referring to the fact that lots of people over the years have told me they love my franchise informational videos. Which leads to the following questio...
Hi there!There is no such thing as a "No Money Down Franchise." Why?Because lenders need you to have skin in the game. As in "money."Think about it. If you were the banker, would you lend a new small business owner all of the money they'll need to op...
Hi there,I shared this on LinkedIn yesterday. Is it profitable to buy a franchise business today?It depends on the franchise you end up buying. In addition, it takes a while to become profitable.First, you need to reach break even. Here’s a Pro tip:Y...
Hi there!How would you define a perfect franchise to buy and own?Some ideas:A franchise opportunity that allows you to earn six figures within 5 yearsA franchise opportunity that doesn't require you to be on-site 12 hours a day, but can make lots of...
Hi there!How would you define a perfect franchise to buy and own?Some ideas:A franchise opportunity that allows you to earn six figures within 5 yearsA franchise opportunity that doesn't require you to be on-site 12 hours a day, but can make lots of...
Hi there!Here's a gentle reminder about the price increase (starting tomorrow, June 2) on my popular, super-helpful, Franchise Research Guide. It's the best guide out there.That means today is the last day you can purchase "The Definitive Guide To Fr...