April Showers bring GNOMES

Apr 01, 2024 1:30 pm

In Lilla Rose land April showers bring the cutest little gnome clip named HERB and also some gorgeous pink flowers and a copper tree with a touch of green patina. The gnome WILL sell out quickly - it sold out in the stylist release in about 2 hours, so DON'T WAIT - go order Herb at 9am CST on the dot before he disappears!!


The customer special for this month is the gift of all four colors of these adorable new knit headbands with orders of $80+ - Look how cute!!


March was an AWESOME month!! Thank you to everyone who ordered!! I'll be doing the March customer appreciation drawing in my VIP Community on Facebook in then next few days. If you placed an order, make sure you're in there so you'll see that you won! That's also the best place to keep up with sales and new releases and all my games and drawings!

I hope you had a very blessed Easter and have an amazing and wonderful April. I have a couple of events coming up in a week or two and will be doing a drawing for those who join me!

Many blessings,


