Happy New Romance Book Year! ππππππHello , Hope your new year has gotten off to a fantastic start!Mine is chugging along at full speed.Although I'm still revising my upcoming new release, The Cheerleader, I'm also planning which books to write...
The Last Exclusive Excerpt to tease you from The Cheerleader!Happy New Year! ππππππHello , This is the time to look back on the year and marvel at all that's happened. My year has been busy and though I planned to write and release three novels...
Merry Christmas to All!Your Weekly Christmas Countdown RomanceππππππHello , I'm finishing up The Cheerleader today and I have what I hope is a novel filled with intrigue, interesting characters, off the charts sensual tension and compelling ang...
A Sizzling Excerpt from The Cheerleader &Your Weekly Christmas Countdown Romance on Sale!ππππππHello , I'm closing in on the end of writing The Cheerleader and I have what I hope is an excerpt filled with sensual tension for you. Let me kno...
Your Weekly Christmas Countdown Romance on Sale!ππππππHello , Whatever holiday you may celebrate this time of year, in the spirit of giving, I'm putting different Christmas romance novels on sale each week for you to enjoy.This week Margo &...
Read Your Exclusive Excerpt from The Cheerleader!ππππππHello , This is the excerpt I've been dying to share! It's the one where the long slow burn goes up in five-alarm flames This is also the point in writing the book where I become obsessed w...
Whalers Hockey Romance 3 Book Set on Sale for $.99!ππππππHello , Happy Thanksgiving! π¦πIt's time to take stock of what I'm grateful for, as many of us do around this time, and I'm finding it incredibly easy to find so much on my list.You and...
Exclusive Excerpt from The Cheerleader!ππππππHello ! This week I've made some real progress in my w-i-p! Enough so I want to share another excerpt with you!πBut the great news is you have once again provided me with an excellent character name...
Yes--you should read romance for medicinal purposes!ππππππHello ! I had a cold this week--or maybe the flu--with a wicked cough. So what did I do to cure it? No lie, I laid in bed all day--fully dressed on top of the covers because somehow...
Name That Character Contest & an Exclusive Excerpt from The CheerleaderππππππHello ! I'm really enjoying this fall! I hope you are too. One of the things that's been fun is the progress I'm making on writing The Cheerleader.π Moving fast n...