Hey there!The weather has taken a dip here in South East Idaho! We had a bit of a stomach-dropping moment a couple days ago when we woke up to find that there had been a frost in our garden. The forecast didn't show a frost, nor did the current tempe...
Hey there!Well I've been working at my new job for just over two weeks now, and while things haven't settled quite yet, they are moving in that direction. Temperatures have plummeted suddenly, leaving us with cold, crisp mornings and mild days. At th...
Hey there!The season of change in our family started a month ago with the birth of our seventh child. Then it was the birth of the calf and consequential milking. Now, it has hopefully reached the end with me starting a new job. Would I recommend all...
Hey there!Just when I think I might have a grasp on life and I am getting into the flow of things, it all changes once more. At this point I think I'm more used to change than normalcy. First off, it was about time we started to train our cow, Ginger...
Hey there!It's been just a little over two weeks since our last little bean was born and things are starting to settle in. I said starting, because it's not all settled yet. He gives us a pretty good amount of sleep at night, but not nearly enough. T...
Hey there!Things have been a bit chaotic around here since our seventh son was born just on Monday! Given that he was nearly a week overdue (dude really didn't want to make an appearance) we were struggling a bit with being patient with the unknowns....
Hey there!Another week has flown by, and to answer the question that all of you most likely have right off the bat, no the baby has not been born yet. While the due date for our son is less than a week away, we are still playing that waiting game and...
Hey there!It's been a great couple weeks for writing and homesteading. First and foremost, we are currently going through the 'torture period' for our baby boy goats.Okay, it's not really a torture period, they just think it's torture. They have been...
Hey there!Now that summer is in full swing, the chores every day are ramping up. We popped another batch of eggs into the incubator and hatched out another 18 chicks which means we have our upcoming flock of egg layers well on their way. Shortly we'l...
Hey there!You know when you have a dream, but that dream is so far out that you hold it at arm's length? But then by wild events that dream appears so close that you have to reach out and grab it? Well that happened this week. Long story short--we go...