Hey there!The past week has been a lot more wild than we expected! We knew that the goats would be having their babies soon, but goat labor is never the same, even though we've been doing this for years. Janis (yes, named after the assassin in The Li...
Hey there!First off, I've decided to start teaming up with authors to get you some amazing free book deals! Make sure to check the end of each email for a new free book. In other news....my life has taken a crazy turn now that I started a three week...
Hey there!Sorry for the trouble. I added the link to the kitten video, but my email sending system decided that the email I wrote was too long and pulled the link before it sent. Most of you probably don't care to watch the video, but I did want to g...
Hey there!Things have gotten a bit crazy for me on the social media front. I made a spur of the moment video on Tiktok a few days ago about a small 'dilemma' (you'll see why I put it that way in a moment) with one of the kittens. I went out to gather...
Hey there!I'm thrilled to say that the past couple weeks were very very productive. Can I say that everything went perfectly smoothly and I was as productive as possible?Definitely not.But I still made excellent headway on some great things. Aside fr...
Hey there!You think you are prepared for everything, but life has a way of telling you that isn't true! Last Sunday (just before I was going to have an awesome day off from work for author things), we discovered a pocket of water in our wall beneath...
Hey there!So just when I think I'm going to gather my life together and actually organize my writing, another project swoops in to take that all away. One of my favorite things to do for afternoon chores is to just enjoy the outdoors and listen to so...
Hey there!I'm thrilled to finally say that I wrote 'THE END' for The Etcher's Plight. The book was meant to only be 120,000 words but the final count was just shy of 170,000. I should think that at some point I would learn to write less complicated p...
Hey there!First off, I wanted to say sorry.I've switched to a new emailing system, and I believe I accidentally sent you all the welcome email once again. On the bright side, if you haven't downloaded Shielded for free, then you had the chance then!T...
Hey there!I hope you had a great week! For some reason, I find it so enjoyable to busy myself with even more projects and ideas. You'd think at some point the 'casual author' would remember that he's trying to keep it casual.This week was not that we...