Why I'm Skipping the Rapha Festive 500 (And You Should Too)

Dec 18, 2024 8:31 pm

You may have heard of the Rapha Festive 500 - it's an annual cycling challenge where riders try to cover 500km between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

It's a pretty ambitious goal. Well, I've got a confession to make: I'm not doing it this year. And I think you should consider skipping it too.

Now, you might be wondering, "Why would a cycling coach advise against such a popular challenge?" Let me explain.

Picture this: It's the holiday season. You're juggling late nights, rich meals, and maybe a few more glasses of wine than usual. The weather outside is frightful, and your immune system is working overtime.

Now, imagine trying to squeeze in 500km of intense riding over just 8 days on top of all the other holiday stresses and demands on your body.

Doing the Festive 500 in that state is likely to leave you exhausted, possibly even sick, and needing weeks to recover - just as the new year is kicking off. Is that really how you want to start your cycling season?

You see, winter already puts your body under a ton of stress. Cold weather, changes in routine, and holiday indulgences all take their toll. Your immune system is hanging on by a thread. And then you decide to push yourself to the limit with the Festive 500?

As a coach, I'd recommend flipping the script. Here's my alternative "Festive Plan":

Focus on rest. Prioritize sleep and recovery. Your body will thank you.

Hit the weights. Build strength for the season ahead. A stronger you is a faster you.

Do light Zone 2 rides or runs. Stay active, but keep it easy. Maintain fitness without stress.

The goal? Start January feeling fresh, strong, and ready to crush your goals - not burnt out or stuck on the sofa recovering from overtraining.

This is especially crucial if you're over 40. Let's face it, our bodies don't bounce back like they used to. We need to train smarter, not harder.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "But won't I lose fitness if I don't push hard during the holidays?"

Here's the thing: cycling progress isn't made in a week. It's built over months and years of consistent, sustainable training.

By skipping the Festive 500 grind and focusing on recovery and strength, you're actually investing in your long-term progress.

Plus, let's not forget what the holidays are really about.

Spending time with loved ones, relaxing, and recharging for the year ahead. Do you really want to spend those precious days grinding out kilometres instead of enjoying quality time with family and friends?

So, here's my challenge to you this festive season:

Skip the Festive 500. Instead, focus on rest, recovery, and building a strong foundation for the year ahead. Enjoy the holidays without the pressure of a gruelling challenge.

And when January rolls around, and you're feeling fresh and motivated? That's when the real work begins.

Speaking of which, I've got something special brewing for the new year.

If you're ready to take your cycling to the next level in a sustainable, smart way, I'd love for you to join me in the Cycle Lean project kicking off in January.

It's all about building lean muscle, boosting your power-to-weight ratio, and becoming a more efficient cyclist - without burnout or overtraining. We'll focus on structured training, proper nutrition, and recovery techniques that work for real people with real lives.


Join the priority list here!

Remember, cycling is a journey, not a sprint (or a Festive 500). Let's make 2024 your best year on the bike - starting with a restful, enjoyable holiday season.


P.S. What do you think about the Festive 500? Love it? Hate it? Have a different approach? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Drop me a line and let's chat!

avatar Jefd
I agree with your take Coach. Plus at 63 I really do need rest and WANT to spend as much time with my family as possible when they're all around. Who knows how many more Holiday's I have left? Balance is the key.