Adrian Jules’ The Takeover pits one kind of villainy against another, and beneath this canopy devises a 13-minute psychological torture thriller about some of the ideas that torment the American psyche. It follows a father turned potential school sho...
In the bustling world of indie filmmaking, few voices resonate louder than that of Natalin Avci. A multidisciplinary talent, Avci has carved a niche for herself as a screenwriter, actor, and producer, with her work receiving widespread acclaim and mu...
In the bustling world of indie filmmaking, few voices resonate louder than that of Natalin Avci. A multidisciplinary talent, Avci has carved a niche for herself as a screenwriter, actor, and producer, with her work receiving widespread acclaim and mu...
Shelby Maya Smith’s More Than A Test (The Rise of the Unsilenced Movement) is a documentary on the life altering impact of a specific medical procedure on children. Featuring interviews with multiple survivors, the 24-minute film makes a case against...
Shelby Maya Smith’s More Than A Test (The Rise of the Unsilenced Movement) is a documentary on the life altering impact of a specific medical procedure on children. Featuring interviews with multiple survivors, the 24-minute film makes a case against...
Shelby Maya Smith’s More Than A Test (The Rise of the Unsilenced Movement) is a documentary on the life altering impact of a specific medical procedure on children. Featuring interviews with multiple survivors, the 24-minute film makes a case against...
I. Introduction to the Importance of Social Media Trailers Living in a time when the span of concentration is at its shortest ever, making potential viewers give way to one is the utmost priority for brands, content developers, and marketers. This is...
I. Introduction to the Importance of Social Media Trailers Living in a time when the span of concentration is at its shortest ever, making potential viewers give way to one is the utmost priority for brands, content developers, and marketers. This is...
I. Introduction to the Importance of Social Media Trailers Living in a time when the span of concentration is at its shortest ever, making potential viewers give way to one is the utmost priority for brands, content developers, and marketers. This is...
‘Meat Puppet’ has emerged as one of the most talked-about short films of the season, captivating audiences and film critics alike across various festivals. This inventive horror-comedy, directed by Eros V, blends heartfelt storytelling with impressiv...
Hi ,Here are our weekly updates for Dec 19, 2022... 🗒️ 5 Super Easy Ways To Find Short Film Ideas Short films are a great way to experiment with your creativity.They serve varied purposes, from advertising, marketing campaigns, to corporate videos;...
Hi ,I hope you are well. We are once again trying to resuscitate our newsletter. Our newsletter was once a great source for everything short film. Now, some of you might have signed up as far as 7 years ago and so if you are wondering what this is do...