The Unifying Vision:Get a HobbyWhen we work hard, we need to play hard, so we need an escape. I recommend a number of things in my book, Don't Be A Hamster. but one of the big things, number two in the book is to get a hobby. Find some way to distrac...
The Advantages of a Multidisciplinary Team Approach for Problem-SolvingSome of the best problem-solving and innovation comes from efforts by groups of people from different departments and with diverse knowledge skill sets. When a team is assembled t...
The Unifying Vision:Stupid Mistakes are HumanStupid mistakes. We all have them. It's something that occurs when we go through life. It's something that happens to us. We're going to make mistakes. No one is perfect. And if you act like you are, peopl...
How Multidisciplinary Teams Have Changed the Way We WorkThe concept of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) has revolutionized the way in which businesses operate in the modern world. By bringing together a range of skill sets and perspectives, multidiscip...
The Unifying Vision:You Can't Get Anywhere if You are Checked OutWhen I was younger, I sat at a dinner table with Dr. Ted. Dr. Ted was a neurologist and brain surgeon. Great guy, well-to-do, and rich, but he spent the entire dinner complaining about...
Seven Tips to Keep Your Home Office from Being a Hamster Wheel!Working from a home office shouldn't make you a prisoner in your own home. These seven tips will keep your home office from being a hamster wheel!Click to Enjoy the Full Article!30 Ways t...
Attention Entrepreneurs!Time is on Your Side, Grow Your Business Beyond TodayThe pandemic caused many entrepreneurs to hit roadblocks, if not come to a screeching halt. That slowdown was the perfect time to rethink and revamp to grow your business in...
The Unifying Vision:People Need to BelongPot lucks, office lunches, birthday parties, balloons, cake, and all kinds of fun stuff in the conference room, employees live for that. Why? Because people light up when they're part of something.Why don't th...
Be Empowered to Thrive!I have a fear of heights. Or, as I say, “I’m not afraid of falling from heights, I’m afraid of the sudden stop at the end of the fall.” When I was younger, I called my summer employer during college to tell him that I was ready...