The Unifying MinuteMake Your Vision RelevantWhen you look at your team, you need to know what is important to them. What is important to the individuals around you? It might be your C-suite or it might be a small office, but you've got to look at the...
In today's environment, you cannot stop learning or you will be left behind! With that observation, I hope to share with my network valuable information to keep you ahead of the curve driving toward excellence. My newsletter is aimed toward your succ...
Thoughts for Closing the DealYou walk out the door, thanking the potential client for their time, and tell them that you will stop back in later in the year to review their needs. You leave upbeat and happy, but you did not get the deal.You poured yo...
The Unifying Minute:Communicating Your VisionYou know, when you have a vision, that vision is something that you know is driving your business forward, it's where you want to be. The problem becomes, not everybody sees what you see, but it is yo...
Be Present and Focus Before You SpeakWhen you are preparing to speak to an audience of one, or one thousand, you will stand alone. You will not be squaring off against a visible adversary. Instead, the adversary that we face lives within us and withi...
IntroducingThe Unifying MinuteVideo SeriesIn this email, I want to introduce you to a video series that I've done to provide you with short, valuable, and actionable ideas that move your business forward.The first episode in the series is called, Jus...
Thoughts on Learning, Listening & InnovatingThere are no bad ideas. Once you can accept that simple phrase, you will be open to anything that comes in your direction. When we pre-judge the things that we hear, or we listen to the skeptical opinio...
Tighten Up Your Network by CaringThe pandemic taught us that we are all dealing with situations that we may not anticipate. An inability to market, and the inability to grow and develop new business. We can, however, seize opportunities to keep our n...
Know how people see you. See yourself clearly. Be a better leader.You might think, “I don’t care what people think about me.” Actually, you do. And you should. Not to seek their approval, that’s a waste of time. You don’t need others to like you to i...
Hi there!You’re receiving this one time email because you and I have connected in some way. You may be a friend, been to one of my programs, seen my show, or you are a networking referral.I just wanted to take a moment of your time to let you know th...