Great expectations in life and in God can be the source of great disappointment. The ways of God do not work like the ways of the world. Many of us think our ideas of how things should work in this walk with Jesus are “off”. We don’t like to hear th...
To Love or not to Love - that is the question. Is it possible to love at all times, and under all circumstances or are there times to turn away from love? Is our love really about keeping the rules, boundaries, expectations of others and based on ful...
Is your love life like a box of chocolates? Never knowing what you're going to get? The biblical definition of love is " to know and be known". But is being vulnerable safe in real life? We become afraid to love, or be loved, for fear of being betray...
Before we can cast out a demon we must understand how these things, the works of the flesh, and demonic activity fit together. Error and misunderstanding have hindered the church from effectively ministering to the needs of the sick and brokenhearted...
Recognizing what we are dealing with is essential to dealing with it, that includes recognizing and dealing with demons. In our modern systems of diagnosing, everything has been relabeled a bad behavior, an addiction, depression, etc. Nothing is take...
Believe it or not, we hate sin! We are built by God, created in his image. God hates sin and so do we. Sin separates us from God and His plan to reunite us with Him. The Devil has used sin as a lever to pry us apart from God by using our hatred of s...
We are often being affected by other people's demons when we are tempted to go with them to do evil. We don't realize they are being tempted by demons that are now extending their influence through them to us. This is the chain reaction of evil influ...
A subject most of us live with but no one ever talks about. Life is full of difficulties, most of which come through dysfunctional relationships with others. We are enmeshed, obligated, dependent, controlled, entangles with roped of love and need. If...
Having faith implies we believe in something. Having faith in the promises of the One True God, means we believe in God. Faith in God’s Promises is foundational to a believer’s life. Abraham believed the promises God made to him and his faith caused...
Joy to the World the Lord has come! The joy of the Lord is our strength. The world is weak and weary and has lost its way. This is a time to remember the goodness of God who sent His Son to bring peace and reconciliation to mankind. God is not mad at...