The Seed of the Woman will crush the head of the Serpent, a virgin will conceive a Son, God will come to earth, the divine King found lying in a manger of hay, all came together in the fulfillment of the great mystery and wonderful arrival we celebra...
Faith is living beyond the natural realm of sight. Jesus said not to make judgments based upon appearance. We are told, “The just shall live by faith”, not feelings. So what do we do with our feelings, reality and appearances of the way things look w...
Peter describes the devil as an adversary that goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He tells us to reisit him steadfast in the faith. How do we deal with the lions roaring through your life? The pain, the grief over the loss of lo...
Daniel lived to serve his God during the reign of four pagan kings. He stayed strong and true to his God in the midst of incredible wickedness, threats of death, false accusations, attempts to change his identity and political changes. He was visited...
In the medical model of healing, sin has been overlooked as a root cause of disease in both physical and mental illness. The Enemy uses our agreements with guilt, fear, unforgiveness, and even the sins of others to bring his sickness and pain upon us...
The Children of Israel were bitten by fiery serpents in the wilderness after they had been complaining. God’s solution to the poisonous venom that was killing them was not a medical intervention. He simply told them to look on the brazen serpent Mose...
Because of the rampant deception of the last days the Bible admonishes us to test all things, and not believe every thing that looks like and is promoted to be the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. He warns us that in the last days that even the very ele...
Recognizing the activities of Jezebel is the first step of defense in dealing with her spiritual destructions in your marriage, your family, your business and in the church. We have become desensitized to her activities because we have ourselves been...
Satan's strategy is subtle and sinister. Paganism and witchcraft have dressed up to look modern and socially acceptable. Jezebel has had a "make over" and has been reintroduced into the church and society as a beautiful thing. To deny the reality of...
Deception has always been a major strategy in the war between Heaven and Hell. The Enemy has mingled error and mixed his counterfeits into the Gospel of Grace and Good News since the beginning. Savage wolves coming from without and from within are sh...