David prayed. David the anointed servant of God was in danger of being hunted down and killed by the most powerful man in the land, king Saul. The cry of David’s heart to feel overwhelmed and the fear of being found by his enemies were no different t...
Opinions and religious traditions concerning the identity of Jesus Christ have done their damage throughout the centuries. It’s time to reject the many speculations about Him, and receive the revelation of Who He is from the written Word of God as re...
We have a tendency to judge God by the injustices, pain and tragedies in our lives. But God’s lovingkindness is always with us. Our task is to surrender all our misunderstandings, emotions and assumptions to God, seeing His lovingkindness in the mids...
Faith is only as good as what you have faith in. The one true living God and His Word is the only solid basis of faith. True faith in God is expressed and proven by obedient actions. Believing Vs Knowing - we have trouble holding faith firm in our m...
The mountains that may appear impossible to move are moved by faith in the promises of God. His promises are based on His character, so He is fully trustworthy. What God promises, He faithfully performs for those who live in the eternal realm of fait...
Jesus has given His followers authority and power over our enemy. Yet many of us are unknowingly practicing witchcraft. Taking control, doing it our way instead of the Lord’s, is tapping into Satan’s power, which, if continued, will bring curses and...
We live in the midst of chaos and confusion, deliberate and willful disinformation, so none of us know what’s really going on. In these perilous times, we must go back to the Rock, the sure foundation, the One who is the same yesterday, today and for...
Our mind is a battlefield. What we think determines the course and destiny of our lives. Where do our thoughts come from? How can we get rid of evil thoughts and fill our minds with good ones? Check out God On Trial at the Life Recovery Store. "Becau...
Are you suffering in the middle of adversity? God is here to strengthen us. This world is full of trouble — but God is working to strengthen and establish us. We are more than conquers through Jesus who loves us. Carry on, you soldiers of the Cross....
To truly enter into salvation, which means to be born again, we must first acknowledge our sin and then change our mind about what we have been believing (repent). Giving up our loyalty to the lie means we acknowledge, (confess) that those lies have...