Our life is not an accident. It is a divine act. God has a plan. We are on a journey with Him to complete our course, the race that is set before us. We are God's workmanship. His Holy Spirit indwells us. We are not alone. Take courage so we can say...
Many are overcome by evil schemes, clueless to the destruction that surrounds and infests them. Blinded, drugged, weak, sick, intimidated, without resources, helpless—how can we escape these suffocating traps of wickedness? Check out God On Trial in...
The Mute spirit silences us in our expressions of our selves, our gifts and our ability to articulate our thoughts. The Deaf and Dumb spirit works with the Mute spirit. Together, they are very effective in locking us up inside of ourselves, but are r...
The lie is the only option left for those who refuse the love of the truth. "For the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs, and lying wonders...among this who perish, because they did not receive the lov...
Are you in the midst of a fiery trial? Is God mad at us or waiting to punish us for sin? If we do not understand the spiritual war and the rule of yielding our consent, nothing makes sense. We must put the Enemy in the equation and know that both God...
Spirits of sorcery and divination are pervasive in our world today, even in “the church”. Jesus warned us about their powers to deceive. How do we clearly recognize these spirits and what do we do when we discern their activities? "Because There Is A...
Jesus Warned us “But take heed to yourselves, …lest that Day come upon you unexpectantly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth” Luke 21:34-35. People will freak out. They will run with no place to hide. Th...
We are in the days when liars listen to liars (Pr. 17:4) and truth is fallen in the streets, (Is. 59:14). Truth has been trampled and targeted by the enemy who twists the lie to look like the truth and the truth to look like “disinformation”. When ju...
The human race is in a desperate crisis! People are either condemned or saved, lost or found. Those who truly believe in Jesus are the rescue squad to bring others out of eternal death into eternal life. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" www.li...
In the midst of the barrage of evils coming against us day by day, we have a consistent place of refuge, safety, freedom and strength in God. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"