Who or what has first place in our lives determines the course of our lives. Idolatry is not just bowing down to some statue. An idol can be anyone or anything that guides or controls us other that the Lord God. Idolatry results in insanity, immorali...
God is about to do, and is now doing, His new things in, for and through his people. No longer can we live in an “It is what it is” mentality. It is time to let Him pull us out of our religious ruts and adapt ourselves to the wonderful new things He...
There many opinions, traditions, teachings and practices that are insulting to the cross of Jesus Christ. The results are distraction, division and destruction in the body of Christ. What are some of these pitfalls? And how can we spot and avoid them...
The coming of the Savior, prophesied thousands of years before He came, was fulfilled in the most wonderful way far beyond human imagination. The eternal Son of God also became fully human, though sinless, as the Son of Man. Though His birth was lowl...
The Bloodline of Jesus Christ as set forth by two witnesses, Matthew and Luke, confirms and completes the promise God made when he cursed the Serpent in the Garden. Jesus Christ's genealogy sets forth the incredible proof that He is the One spoken of...
Mary the mother of Jesus is one of the most venerated and misunderstood characters of the New Testament. Who was she really? And how are we to properly view and appreciate her today? Check out A Case For Justice at the Life Recovery Store. "Because T...
Who would ever have imagined that God would fulfill His prophetic word to His people is such and odd and unconventional way - to send a wild man who lived in the wilderness to announce the coming of His Son, the Messiah. His word to Zacharias and Eli...
Each of us experience tragedies, losses and hurts that can break our hearts, putting us in bondage to depression, fear, bitterness and despair. Knowing who we are in Christ can enable us to be victors instead of victims in a world filled with brokenn...
In these days of great oppression of evil at every level of society, is God wanting to bring a true widespread spiritual awakening? Are God’s people crying out to God in desperation and faith for it? "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" liferecove...
We live in a deceptive environment of spiritual war—both externally in the world and internally in our lives. This war is multifaceted, increasing in it’s intensity and can seem overwhelming at times. However, God has given us His Word and mighty spi...