Panic praying is like being thrown overboard into the deep end of the lake when we have never taken swimming lessons. Praying in a crisis is terrifying. It comes out of a relationship with fear and unbelief. Jesus said if we abide in Him and His word...
How do we deal with fear and anxiety in these perilous times? Praying proactively and prophetically secures the day and aligns the future with God's will. We must know how to pray, “Thy Kingdom Come!” Preventative prayers for protection take us into...
Are you living in the third kingdom of "I don’t know?" Are you giving passive agreement to the lies of the Liar? Jesus said there are only two kingdoms: God’s and Satan’s. However, the Enemy sets up the illusion of the third kingdom, which causes us...
Join us today for a special interview with the author of the new best-seller "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life." The spiritual war is real, and it is being fought every day, inside of us. There are 20,000 books written on th...
Easily distracted and deceived. This is what God has chosen to work with in the rescuing of His Children. Because children have only limited experience, they have no knowledge of the danger or the consequences of their actions. The only hope we have...
Is there a spirit of resistance operating in us that is making it difficult for us to stop what we cannot quit? Are we so familiar with that spirit of fear and confusion that we do not step up to deal with the sin which is present in me, as Paul desc...
What time is it? I'm late! Time's up. We are eternal creatures who live in a corridor of time. The scripture admonishes us to redeem the time for the days are evil. Our life is given to us as a gift measured out as an allotted amount of time. We can...
Faith is founded on the Word of God. Faith is a link that releases the will of God from heaven to earth. What God wants done on earth in people's lives comes to pass through those who obey and speak His Word, and wait to see its fulfillment. Get your...
Adam's cures made it hard for him to admit he was wrong. Thisis came down upon Eve as being blamed. Eve's curse is to want to be desired by her husband and that he would have the rule over her. If he was a tyrant, that would be her fate. If he were a...
What makes faith such a big deal with God? Faith is not defined by its outcomes. Faith is speaking into the future through the men and women who live by faith to declare the hope of a future. They believe in the Word of God even amid impossible circu...