, Let’s pop the bubbly…Today is December 1st 2022 and it’s a moment you have been waiting for all your life.You have watched, absorbed & implemented the Freedom Through Forgiveness principles and now finally managed to break free from your soul s...
Dear , Do you believe that the key to going from feeling guilty, hurt, victimized, abused and feeling that you alone are the problem, to living a life of joy and freedom, content and confident is to spend years in therapy? Or even sharing with the pa...
My dearest , Give me 3 days and I’ll show you how to let go of the fear and feel peaceful, calm, comfortable, and confident knowing that you are respected, valued and beautiful without having to sell an arm and a leg or go to counseling for year...
,How do you move from being heartbroken and feeling used and abused to relaxing into knowing that you are special and have the right to say no? How do you choose who to let into your space? Join me for Freedom Through Forgiveness. A marvelous,...
Hey , Why don’t you join a few of us special ones for a retreat meant to free your soul? Freedom Through Forgiveness retreat is a place to share and receive wisdom, reconnect with your divine purpose, and leave feeling recharged and whole....
Dear ,Do you want to let go of the fear, feel peaceful, calm, confident and empowered knowing that you are respected, valued and beautiful in as little as 3 sessions even if you have been told over and over again that you are worthless, no good, and...
Dear , When I was little my biggest most earnest desire was to feel special. Feel like the whole universe revolved around me & my whims. Was it the same for you ? Did you want to feel special? Yes, every child is the same and things don’t ch...
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, wherever in the world you are !Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah is around the corner and I’ve already selected my gifts which are really my mother’s, because each year I buy the gifts that my mother...
Dear , The online world is a melting pot of outrage and indignation. Of people ready to shout:“This can’t possibly work for everyone”“How do I know this will work for me?”“What if it doesn't work for me?”So let me get straight to it.Yes, Fr...