5-Cent Friday: February 3rd, 2022

Feb 03, 2023 8:43 pm

What's up brother - Happy Friday! Here's 5 things I thought you might enjoy, that I've been sipping on this week.

What I did this week

This week I went on a 3-Day Fast. Yep, that’s right! 3-days, no food water only fast. It felt amazing. It was hard. There times where my heart rate would elevate and I would start to panic. Breath work helped me through these moments. The moment of focus received during the last 6 hours of the fast were incredible.

(Warning: Do not try fasting without first consulting a doctor. I am not a doctor. Not am I recommending you try this in anyway.)

What I’m Reading

”The Art of Learning” by Josh Waitzken. For anyone who is looking to master their craft. “The Art of Learning” teaches excellent principles for learning in any craft. Josh Waitzken is a world renowned chess player and Tai Chi Push Hands world champion. He was the subject of Searching for Bobby Fisher. I first learned of Josh Waitzken through hearing him on the Tim Ferriss podcast.

Podcast I'm Listening to

The Peter Attia Drive. Good episode with Andy Galpin this week. Focused in strength improvement and muscle recovery. Andy Galpin is a brilliant mind. Someone I have been taking notes on in recent years to improve my workout plan.

Song I'm Enjoying

“Don’t Think” by Mike. As someone who is a self-proclaimed deep thinker. No thinking is an action that seems counterintuitive to me. However, the best action either requires no thought or dialing up your thoughts to 100. Both strategies seem to work. Fun to experiment with both.

Food I recently tried

Bone Broth. Used this food during the refeed period of my fast. It’s not a good idea to pound steaks and heavy amounts of chicken right after a fast. Best practice seems to be a slow introduction of “softer” foods to reengage the enzymes that turned off during your fast.


That concludes this week's 5-Cent Friday. If you enjoyed, feel free to share with friends. If not, let me know how I can improve by replying to this email.

Either way, spread love and have an incredible weekend.


Matt Mc.
