After 8 Months of training for my first Marathon… My Goal: Run a sub 3 hour and 30 minute marathon. I can officially say we made it. It has been a mental, physical and spiritual battle. But well worth it. From a washed up college basketball player to training for and running my first ever Marathon. If there’s one thing that I’ve once again learned, it’s that it’s not about Me. There’s been endless support from friends, family and followers of this page. I owe you guys a lot… Currently, my life is taking me in a bunch of different directions. I don’t see myself running another marathon anytime soon. But, I will continue to learn and share what I know. Furthermore, I have plans to dive in to some other, more advanced topics in the future. At the end of the day though, this ones for you guys. Let’s Get it y’all 🫡 🐺 Official Time: 3:29:43 #marathon
115x4. Felt clean today 💯 • • • • #benchpress #powerlifting #gymmotivation
5 sets of 243x5. Slow progression through the 200s. Aiming for that 315 and beyond bench press 📈 Official marathon prep starts in 2 weeks. • • • #benchpress #chestday #powerlifting #lifting
Deadlift work with the belt 🫡🇺🇸 • • • #powerlifting #deadlift #deadlifts #deadlifting
Friday Bench Work 🫡🫡 • • • • #benchpress #fitness #fitnessmotivation
Post 10 mile run on Saturday. Was feeling lean for the physique check. Run de load this week. Official Marathon prep begins in 4 weeks 😤 • • • • #physique #gym #gymmotivation #marathontraining
5x4 at 80% of my max. Feeling more control at this weight, and better overall form. Happy Saturday y’all🫡 • • • #benchpress #chestday #powerlifting
Deadlift is feeling good. Form is feeling a lot better, so a lot less thought going into each rep. Workout below 🫡 Deadlift 1: 375x5 Deadlift 2: 375x5 Deadlift 3: 375x4 Deadlift 4: 375x4 Deadlift 5: 375x3 • • • #deadlift #powerlifting #powerlift #strength #strengthtraining
Physique check on this Tuesday. Muscle seems to be staying in tack amidst the milage. It’s been cool to experience how little muscle has been lost even as we continue to ramp things up… or did I just jinx it 🤫 • • • #athlete #fitness #motivation
34 miles of running this week, capped off with a 10 mile run yesterday. This along with working towards the powerlifting competition in August. It has been an interesting journey to see both arts working alongside one another. Ultimately, I am favoring the marathon training⚔️ • • Goals 💎: Marathon Time: sub 3:30 Deadlift: 375/495 Bench Press: 245/315 Sobriety: 84/365 Upcoming Dates 🎯: 1st Powerlifting Comp: 8/20/22 1st Marathon (PHL 🦅): 11/20/22 • • • #gym #gymmotivation #motivation #inspiration #powerlifting #marathon #marathontraining
Every Friday, I send out an exclusive email with the five best thing I'm exploring that week