Friday espresso: Forget the 21 Days Challenge, How About 200 Days Challenge?

Nov 29, 2024 1:01 am


Rise and Shine!

Let's brew our espresso for an insightful shot!

Consistency is a powerful tool for growth. Whether you’re painting, building a habit, or working toward a goal, showing up every day transforms small steps into big results. Reflecting on my journey of 200 days of daily paintings that eventually became a book, I’ve come to realize just how much consistency shapes not only our skills but also our mindset.

WHY Consistency is Important

Consistency builds momentum. It’s not about being perfect every day but about showing up despite challenges. Over time, it creates discipline and resilience. I can’t count the amount of times I was almost going to give up but preserved through and did my painting anyways. In retrospect, I have no regrets! 

Through consistency, you create habits that bring progress, one day at a time.

WHAT Can You Achieve Through Consistency

Personally, the outcome was the book Lead Change Heart Way. With each daily painting, I grappled with the question: Should I do it, or should I not? I struggled with time and priority management—Should I spend this time painting or use it for something else? I also wrestled with my own standards, questioning what a "beautiful" painting should be versus those that didn’t meet my expectations.

As time went on, these struggles shaped me and deepened my connection with myself. Each painting became a moment of self-investment. I grew more receptive to imperfections and more resilient through this transformative process.

Consistency breeds competence. Eventually, these 200 paintings weren’t just isolated pieces—they became a visual diary of my journey, reflecting growth, struggles, and breakthroughs.

Through consistency, the small, seemingly insignificant actions add up to something remarkable.

HOW to Remain Consistent

  1. Just show up: Start with manageable steps—like as minimum as 1 minute a day. Focus on showing up rather than achieving perfection.
  2. Track your progress: Use a visual tracker to celebrate your streaks and motivate yourself to keep going. This is how Shopee wants you to check in to collect coins everyday. 
  3. Bundle up tasks: Do a combo, combine it with something you do daily. (Eg. After you make your coffee, before you open your laptop, or even before you eat your meals). I did my painting before I go to bed as my bedtime routine. 

Final Thoughts

Consistency is about commitment, not perfection. Whether you’re painting daily, building a habit, or pursuing a dream, the key is to show up. 21 days build up a habit, imagine what 200 days can bring to your life!

That is today's espresso

Keep the momentum, every sip counts!

You can still get your copy of Lead Change Heart Way for RM60 (regular price RM75). For the month of November, 50% of all proceeds will be donated to Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia

Order the book for yourself, for someone as a gift, or in bulk for your company with the link below.

Good news! Lead Change Heart Way is also available as a 90-min talk. Feel free to be in touch at if you are looking for a session for your company. 

Thanks for your kind support!

Get the book Lead Change Heart Way here 


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