Spiritual Beings on a Human Adventure

May 07, 2024 5:32 am

This Tuesday's Sufi class will be led by Paloma at 10:30 am PDT HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6434917838?pwd=QWdvSjRnSmtoUVFYSHBRT3pRSmRWZz09

Sunday class, May 12th will be the same as usual, 8 am PDT HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89999494833?pwd=V2pOS28yYUdXM3hkaW1rVWIvSjBUdz09

Have you ever wondered why you are here?

Recent events -- like the death of a long-time Sufi friend and the sudden stroke of a much younger friend followed by the loss of her vision have me contemplating life.

Because . . . life can change on a dime!


How easy it is for me to forget this truth and assume that things will continue as they have! What an illusion! Everything changes. Everything is impermanent.

So what do I do about it? Do I rush to create a more impressive legacy? Save more money? Write a book? Win the Toastmasters International Speech contest?

In thinking about this, I am reminded of the words of my first yoga teacher:

You are a spiritual being having a human adventure!

I love this idea! It makes life sound like Disneyland. Something to enjoy!

One time, Adnan was asked what we should be doing with our lives. He replied -- "You could fly a kite." It sounded flippant. But perhaps, like my yoga teacher, he was telling us not to take life so seriously.


Of course, life is not all candy bars and kites. We do have to live in this 3-dimensional plane. Our bodies require shelter, food, warmth, love, etc. And the how of getting these things can be worrisome.

Can we rely on God or the universe to provide for us?


I am reminded of the magic that happened after my very first Sufi camp --

My car broke down in Albuquerque with a car full of Sufi Students. Instead of getting upset, I trusted it would work out. It did! A man living in the apartment building where I was picking up another student offered help. He was a VW mechanic with the exact part I needed to get us on our way.

What are the chances?

Maybe the Law of Attraction does work!


It's not so easy. You do have to extinguish any negative thoughts. And even then there's no guarantee. Sometimes the results have more to do with the spiritual lessons your soul needs than with your particular wish.

Life is complicated. There's no formula. That's what makes it interesting.

What works best for me is to live by the three essentials of the complete and perfect human - peace, faith, and excellence:

  1. Stay in the present. Relax and breathe.
  2. Trust in myself and life.
  3. Do the best I can.

Sufi practice helps me with all three.

Join me Sunday, May 12th at 8 am PST and see what happens for you.

The Zoom link is:


Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

Here's a time converter link to check the time in your location.

Be peaceful. 


Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life After Loss

Secrets of Life and Death

