What are you seeking?

Feb 17, 2023 4:31 am

You are curious about this Sufi class. I know because you are still on this select emailing list.

Each week I attempt to give you a glimpse of what the class and the Sufi work is like. Not enough, however, to get you over your reservations about showing up at 8 am. I understand. You don’t know what you would be getting into. Spirituality and “Religion” can be a sticky wicket.

How can you know if this Sufi work is right for you?

Let me share a little of my own story of what brought me to this work 40 years ago.

To be honest, I was looking for something. I was tense, fearful and neurotic. I wanted something to stop the emotional pain -- a practice that would help me relax and relieve my anxiety.

I tried Transcendental Meditation, but most of my 20 meditation minutes were spent thinking about all the thing I had to do.

I read all the Carlos Castaneda's books and then books on Sufism by Idris Shaw. My husband and I devoured them like greedy children, all the while staying confused about what it was we were reading.

This work can not really be described. You have to experience it to know it. Describing it is like trying telling someone what it is like to eat a banana who has never eaten a banana.

The really question is not what is the work like, rather it is what are you like. Are you seeking something that gives you inner peace, equanimity, a more satisfying life? That was what I was seeking 40 years ago.

My teacher showed up for me at exactly the right time — when my husband was leaving me and my life was falling apart.

This is not unusual. Many of my teacher's students have similar stories. Stories of facing a crisis of spirit that compelled them to try this work.

Is that you?

The story of my entrance into this work is both dramatic and transcendent -- a story that must wait or I will never get this out to you.

Just come, taste the banana and see if you like it. 

Tomorrow, February 17th at 8 AM (in the morning) PDT for 90 minutes of breath, movement and sound that will lift the soul.

The link to the zoom meeting is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89999494833?pwd=V2pOS28yYUdXM3hkaW1rVWIvSjBUdz09

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

There are no rules in this class except to try it out. Follow my movement, do your own or rest. Listen to the needs of your body. You objective is to be true to yourself.

Just keep showing up. It is well worth the effort. Once you catch on, you will never forget this state of peace. It becomes easier and easier to achieve. It will change your perspective of life, your troubles and yourself. You might even become a better dancer

Class is tomorrow, February 17, at 8 am PST. That is early morning for the west coast! A great way to start the day.

Here's a time converter link if you need to check the time in your own location.

Come 5 minutes early if you have questions. I will also answer questions at the end.

Please give yourself some extra time between this class and other meetings as you will likely feel very different at the end.

The link to the zoom meeting is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89999494833?pwd=V2pOS28yYUdXM3hkaW1rVWIvSjBUdz09

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

Be brilliant,

Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life after Loss

Secrets of Life and Death

