Spring Forward Time Change this Friday for Sufi: 9 am PDT

Mar 16, 2023 9:31 pm

Daylight Savings Time started last Sunday in the U.S. You have already changed you clock and your own bio rhythm. I woke up this morning before the first Bart train already adjusted. But that is not the case in Europe. Daylight Saving Time won't happen there for another 2 weeks.

Since some of our Sufi students students are from Europe, we will accommodate them by meeting 1 hour later this Friday, March 17 and also March 24. So you get to pretend you are a European and sleep later too!

In celebration of the coming of Spring this month I am posting a photo of the Orchid that is blooming in my livingroom. This is it's second set of blooms. You can just make out the fading bloom in the upper right hand corner.


If all the winter weather has your body fading like the orchid blossom, join me tomorrow and activate your own Spring within. Sufi movement class is March 17 at 9 AM (in the morning) PDT for 90 minutes of breath, movement and sound to rejuvenate your soul and put the spring back in your steps.

There are no rules in this class except to try it out. Follow my movement, do your own or rest. You will learn to listen to the needs of your body. Your objective is to be true to yourself.

Class is tomorrow March 17th at 9 am PST.

Here's a time converter link if you need to check the time in your own location.

Come 5 minutes early if this is the first time you are coming. Let me give you a quick orientation and answer your questions.

Please give yourself some extra time between this class and other meetings as you will likely feel very different at the end.

The link to the zoom meeting is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89999494833?pwd=V2pOS28yYUdXM3hkaW1rVWIvSjBUdz09

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

Be brilliant,

Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life after Loss

Secrets of Life and Death

