How to Love Your Body Better

Aug 24, 2023 9:01 pm

Friday, 4 pm PDT, I am teaching a free master class on how to partner with your body so it supports your life purpose instead of sabotaging it. If this interests you, register HERE. It will be recorded so you can access the replay if you are unable to attend the live event.


The Sufi Moving Meditation I teach at 8 am PDT every Friday morning is the best practice I know for creating a great body/spirit relationship.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

The slow movement exercises help you to fall in love with your body. Maybe not right away and not all the time, but eventually and inevitably. 

Some of the exercises are challenging and if you push yourself, your body will complain. But when you let go and allow the movement to unfold -- so slowly that you notice every sensation, you will discover love. 

Unlike spiritual practices that ask you to ignore your body – e.g. sitting or kneeling for long periods through pain, cramps, and irritations the Sufi work invites your body to be part of the meditation.  

The body is designed to move. It loves to move. It thrives on motion. 


Muscular contraction and expansion move the lymphatic system to defend your body against pathogens. Exercise strengthens your heart and other muscles while mobilizing systems of energy creation, vitality, and longevity.

Go as slow as you need. Go only as far as you are able. Focus on the sensations and savor every moment of motion through space and time -- the stretch, the reach, and the release. Move even slower to feel every millisecond of your movement. It can be intoxicating. 

Want to stretch a little further, twist a little deeper, or bend a little lower? Do only what feels right. Go easy and enjoy the sensation. Never push or compete with others (real or imagined) or judge except to determine the movement is right for you.

When you are doing your own creative movement, allow your body to guide you to the exact place that needs to stretch. Be like a cat maneuvering its body to ensure the best placement of your hand. 


Let the music support your movement, the lift and flow of your arms, the contraction and expansion of your muscles in rhythm to the beat of the music, and the cycle of your breath. 

Focus on your breath and notice it becoming more deliberate and intentional. Watch the chest expansion of the inhale and collapse of the exhale. Stretch each just a little longer. Hold the inhale until you must exhale. Hold the exhale until you must inhale. Then enjoy the delicious feeling of the incoming breath as it fills your lungs again.

Moving with focus and intention enables you to forget the past and the future and be in the moment. Peace and calm will envelop your body and will continue long after you stop moving. This is the best recipe for a great body/spirit relationship.

Sufi Mediation class meets every Friday at 8 am PDT.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

8 am PDT is early morning on the West Coast! Here's a time converter link if you need to check the time in your location.

Hope to see you tomorrow,


Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life After Loss

Secrets of Life and Death
