Do you have a consistent practice?

May 12, 2023 1:58 am

I could not lower my legs from vertical to horizontal while lying on my back, not without cramping my thigh muscles. I couldn't do it!

My yoga teacher could!

So could most of his students!

“Weak core,” he told me. He suggested I practice a little every day.

I did, and now I can!

You can see me lifting and lowering my legs in my Sufi class.

Adnan, my Sufi teacher used to do it, up and down, up and down! We could barely keep up with him. He continued to astonish us with this capacity, well into his 80s.


Ok, leg lowering may not be YOUR dream, but that’s not the point. You can achieve just about anything with persistence.

I am learning to paint with watercolor. I do 30-minute watercolor sketches from various paintings I find on Pinterest. Pinterest is very helpful because it remembers the type of watercolor I like. Doing a quick painting is fun. I learn a lot.

However, I do not have a consistent practice -- yet. Sometimes weeks go by without my painting. It's easy to get caught up in work. And light is important so I must paint in the daytime. Easy to get distracted by emails, phone calls and other diversions.

Although I am gradually improving with my sporadic efforts, I often forget how I achieved a particular effect. Five steps forward, four steps back.

This week, I decided to be commit to consistency and put watercolor on my calendar. Guess what? I painted every day this week. Below is what I did today. What do you think?


Consistency is essential for spiritual practice too! The more you do, the easier it is for you to shift from stressing about the future or worrying about the past to peace, contentment and gratitude. Events that used to stress you out, won’t bother you as much. You will also find it easier to access your own creative force.

Only through consistency will you achieve Quantum leaps! That’s why I go to the Sufi Foundation retreat in Torreon, New Mexico every summer. Want to know more? Click HERE.

Sufi camp, however, doesn't start until July. But don't let that stop you!

This weekend I will be teaching THREE CLASSES! My usual Friday morning class at 8:00 am, a class on Saturday at 11:30 am PDT and Sunday at 8:00 am PDT

Note the later time on Saturday! A special treat for all of you who insist you can’t make my Friday 8:00 am class (even though you want to) because 8:00 am Pacific is just too early.

And if you want a Quantum leap, come to all three and see what happens!

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

8 am PDT is early morning on the west coast! Here's a time converter link if you need to check the time in your own location.

Come 5 minutes early if this is the first time you are coming. Let me give you a quick orientation and answer your questions.

Please give yourself some extra time between this class and other meetings as you will likely feel very different at the end.

Be brilliant,

Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life after Loss

Secrets of Life and Death
