Cultivating Intelligence of the Heart

May 27, 2024 8:00 pm

Sufi Master Adnan Sarhan explained to his students the difference between intellect and intelligence:

Intellect refers to rational thoughts, cause/effect, evidence-based theory, and logic. It is grounded in scientific study and university teaching. Intellect has produced amazing things that help us live longer and save time: Western medicine, labor-saving machines like the dishwasher, washing machine, car, trains and airplanes, supermarkets, telephones, cleaning products, prepared foods, electric stoves, vacuum cleaners, computers, and the list goes on.


The intellect has also created many problems in our lives – air and water pollution, poor health, obesity, human alienation, species extinction, poverty, weapons of mass annihilation, and rapid destruction of the planet

In contrast, intelligence is the knowledge that is developed through spiritual practice. Adnan wrote:

Intelligence deals with understanding, perception, awareness, love, feelings, giving, generosity, calm, spirit and consciousness.

It is a deeper knowledge that comes from a connection to ourselves, others, and the world we live in. It arises when we enter the moment undistracted by the worries of the past and fears of the future. 

We come into this life with the intelligence of the spirit. It is our birthright as spiritual beings. But this intelligence, this higher knowledge, is soon crowded out by the expectations of our parents, the teaching in our schools, and the demands of the work world.


Intelligence requires practice. It requires an ongoing encounter with our heart and spirit. Adnan explained that most people are asleep and needing to wake up. Spiritual practices “wake” us to our spirit and intelligence. 

As we grow from child to adult, we learn many behavioral habits. They help to keep us alive in a complex world. Many of these habits, however, are unconducive to peace and contentment. They can easily lead us to conflict and turmoil because the inner animal, the dependent child is always fighting for survival.

Our survival response is an evolutionary gift from a highly competitive ecosystem. Even plants fight with each other to obtain the best light. The programmed fight for survival and the habits we learned in childhood are the underlying causes of so much conflict in the world. 

Adnan told us that this animal self can be a vicious animal striving for control of our mind and body. It is also a frightened animal and a fearful child who needs to be calmed and reassured. But if you don’t do spiritual practice you will struggle all the time to calm the animal self. It will always win. Most people are so immersed in the wants and fears of their animal self they are unaware that there is even a choice. 


The Sufi work and other spiritual practices provide us with the tools to awaken and strengthen the spirit and intelligence of the heart. Do spiritual practices regularly and your intelligence will awaken naturally.

When you access intelligence, you make decisions and take action according to what feels right in your heart. It’s not impulsive, or instantaneous.

I often meditate before taking action and allow the right choice to surface. I can tell it is the right choice or decision because there is an expansive feeling in my heart. The decision must come from a place of love – for myself and others. The best decisions serve everyone -- a win-win. 

Another Sufi student told me never to make a decision or take action until I know in my heart it is the right one. Have patience. Be willing to wait for the heart to speak.

Can you imagine what this world would be like if everyone made decisions and took action from that kind of knowledge?


Be aware, the ego and animal-self have had years of practice controlling you. They know how to manipulate you -- what strings to pull to stimulate fear, hate, anger, defensiveness, and distrust, or pride, self-righteousness, ego, and superiority.

Breath and being in the moment are the antidotes to impulses of the animal self. 

Tomorrow, May 28, I am teaching another Sufi Class at 10:30 am PDT. Join me in the moment and feed the intelligence of your heart. Your true self is waiting for you.

The Zoom link is:

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

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Be connected. 


Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life After Loss

Secrets of Life and Death
