Do Your Own Creative Dance

Aug 17, 2023 11:01 pm

Learning to act from intuition -- from your heart and soul -- is one of the objectives of the Sufi Moving Meditation work. 


Many of us were taught since childhood to be rational, logical, correct, safe, and perfect in our behavior and decision-making. But is this really the best, most creative, satisfying way to act? Does it ensure that you fulfill your spiritual potential? Or is it too restrictive, confining, predictable, and lacking in fluidity and imagination? Does rational behavior inhibit emotional and spiritual growth?  

My experience shows that too much reliance on the left brain can hold us back from being who we really are. That's what happened to me. I got stuck in the rut of always proving my worth, trying to be what others wanted, perfect. I always felt stressed and fearful and this led to acting out and emotional explosions. In the end, my first husband left me after fifteen years of my trying to get it right. I quit my job and my life fell apart. 

The Sufi work offered me a lifeline. It showed me another way to live in the world, a sure path to find peace and self-acceptance. I learned how to move and make decisions that were right for me — from moment to moment, without worry, self-judgment, or fear. 


In my Sufi class, when I say "Do your own creative movement" or "dance," you are being invited to practice moving by your own intuition, each choice arising from moment to moment by letting the breath and music guide you.

It takes practice to quiet the judgemental voice inside. Worrying about the opinions of others is a habit that can hold you back from self-discovery. When you shift to intuition and lead from the heart, you open to true freedom from oppression. The more you do it, the more natural and easy it becomes.


Often, Adnan, the founder of this Sufi practice, told us to cover our eyes with a scarf so we could stop worrying about what others were thinking of us. This turned our attention inward to the sensations of the body, the sound of the music in our ears, the feel of the breath, the touch of toes on the rug, and the body moving through space. We got very high in the process.

When I lead the class in movement and breath I focus on actions that relax the body and release tension and resistance. Following along, you will get to know your body, what feels good, and where your blocks are. You will become familiar with the alternate sensations of release and contraction. Sometimes it will be easy, and delicious, other times difficult and challenging. Gradually your body will become stronger, more flexible, and more fluid.

You will fall in love with the moment, your breath, yourself, and an exquisite state of peace. You will embody this state and when doing your own creative movement or dance, you will find your own way, your inner knowing of what is exactly the best for you.


Doing your own creative movement takes you to the next level in the Sufi Meditation work and in your life. Do not run away from this exercise. Stay as long as you can. The time and your capacity will grow. And this new way of moving, trusting yourself, your higher mind, and intuition will permeate your life and being. It will change you. 

Is there an end to the changing?

Like playing a musical instrument, you must keep up the practice, How could you not? Why would you want to stop what feels so right?

Watch out for the Ego --that self-important part of ourselves that wants to be in control, to look good, to feel powerful. It will try to sabotage your effort to free yourself from its hold. Like an angry baby, it will get louder and more insistent that you "stop being foolish, that this is stupid and you have better things to do, and what does this Michelle know anyway. Who does she think she is?"

You may fall into the ego trap from time to time. We are all susceptible to the seduction of the ego mind. As long as you keep coming back to yourself and the breath, nothing, not even the ego can stop you.

Sufi Mediation class meets every Friday at 8 am PDT.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

8 am PDT is early morning on the west coast! Here's a time converter link if you need to check the time in your location.

Hope to see you tomorrow,


Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life After Loss

Secrets of Life and Death

avatar María
Very beautiful text, Michelle. Thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us. See you soon.
avatar Michelle
Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked it.