Allowing Divine Inspiration
Sep 29, 2024 1:00 am
Hi there,
One of the many benefits of Sufi classes is being in the moment. Presence, or as the Buddhists call it, mindfulness, stops the chatty voice in your head, the worries about the future, and your regrets about the past. When you are in the moment, there is only right now. The body relaxes, the mind takes a nap, and you feel peace and contentment.
The moment is the only thing that is real in life. Everything else is in your head -- memories from the past or imaginations of the future. Unfortunately, that is where most of us exist -- in the past or the future. The media bombards us with countless images of what has already happened and fearful predictions of what's in store for the future.
Often, these images cause physical distress because the body doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality. It treats your thoughts and the conjured thoughts of the media as real. That is why there is so much anxiety in the world.
Being in the moment provides a respite from the troublesome thoughts our minds can conjure. It can also inspire a new kind of thought -- instructions and inspiration from the divine.
Most of us have been taught to rely on our intellect, experience, and logic to make decisions. The Sufi work teaches this different, more authentic way to decide.
I often fall into my old habit of trying to figure things out logically. It's hard work. When I pause and tap into the moment, answers are revealed. For example, when I sit down to write an email like this one, instead of worrying or forcing my brain to brainstorm, or asking ChatGPT, I chant or read some of Adnan's writing. Bing! an idea shows up like a text message from God. I write it down and allow it to evolve.
This guidance from Spirit is what I began writing about in last week's email. I mused about how we can incorporate inspiration into our activities of daily life. It can feel a little dangerous and unreliable. Can it help with paying bills, shopping for groceries, or solving problems? The brain and ego would be horrified. I believe, however, that it is always possible to act from Spirit. But like any new behavior, it requires practice.
I first practiced this kind of intuitive guidance in my dream group. Someone would share a dream and each of us would take turns describing what it would mean if it were our dream. When I do this, I don't stop to think about what I will say. I start from the beginning of the dream and make spontaneous associations with each element as I go. Dreams are a great way to practice using your intuition because the meaning is so multidimensional to begin with.
Teaching Sufi class gives me a twice-weekly practice of allowing spirit to guide me. While doing slow movements, I receive an image of my next move. I don't second guess it. I follow whatever shows up. When switching to another activity, I let the moment decide. I will often change what I had tentatively planned because, in the present moment, it no longer fits.
Adnan told us that tapping into spirit is the only way to lead a Sufi Class. It must arise from the moment. The Sufi is based in the situation. Each situation leads to another. Each moment leads to another moment. If you have a plan, you kill the creativity, and nothing happens . . . Everything is derived in the moment. Nothing is set . . .Once you develop the power of the essence of the work, a certain energy takes place, and certain exercises come to you. You don't go to them. There are limitless exercises, but the exercises done in the moment will not fit in another time -- they will be useless.
Something happens only at a certain time, a certain place, and among certain people. In Arabic, this is known as "Hal." The time, the place, and the people. All of these work together to produce that energy and that power.
You can practice using your own inner guidance during the Zoom classes, particularly in the do-your-own dance section. Just let the music move your body. Let it be your dance partner. Notice what happens when you pause the internal judgments and focus on the sensation of your movement.
I have not yet left for Oregon. George is using Sufi time. He is using his internal clock and moving with ease while getting ready. Since we are driving, there are no schedules to keep.
See you in my living room for Sufi Class this Sunday, September 29, 8:00 am PDT.
The Zoom LINK:
The next three Tuesday classes will be taught by Paloma at her link:
Don’t forget to use the password SUFI all in caps if you are asked for the password.
Be brilliant,
Dr. Michelle
Life Transformation Coach
Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life After Loss
Secrets of Life and Death