The Advantages of Being in the Moment

Sep 29, 2023 12:11 am

What does it mean to be in the moment

Conscious leader Ram Das called it Be Here Now. Buddhists refer to it as Mindfulness. 


It is a special state of focus and concentration that enables clarity of mind and flow of movement. In the moment you are not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. In the moment the past and future do not exist. 


Regular meditative practice is a reliable way to access this state of awareness. The more you do the easier it becomes. This state of being, however, is fragile. One can easily be distracted by the intrusion of problems, difficulties, and the upset of others. Therefore, it is wise to have regular meditative practice in order to return again and again to the moment. It is the reason why I and so many others return to Sufi summer camp almost every year. 

In this state, one finds acceptance and appreciation of what is. Negative thoughts and paralyzing worries vanish. There is a feeling of rightness, clarity, and awe.

As one Sufi student put it – “I used to have a lot of problems and worries. Now – I still have them, they just don’t bother me as much.”

We can waste so much of our lives worrying about how we are doing or what others are doing or not doing. 

In the moment, the world reveals its beauty, its secrets, and we experience the joy of life.


Because you see with open eyes, without judgment or resistance, you see what is around you with the wonder and curiosity of a child. In this state magic happens. The right person shows up, problems are easily solved, and a choice that at first seemed wrong turns out to be a perfect choice.

Meditation is not the only way to be in the moment. Watching a sunrise or sunset, clouds moving across the sky, a bird building its nest, or an ant carrying a grain of sand are ways that can bring you to the moment. I am sure you can think of others.

Artistic activities also bring about that in-the-moment focus, e.g. playing music with others, drawing, painting, sculpting, glass blowing, singing, dancing, etc. Almost any artistic endeavor can put you in the moment. 

Sometimes athletes achieve what has been called “being in the flow.” It is a state of consciousness that enables them to give their best performance with ease. It is when everything flows out of you without effort or concern. 

In the moment you can access your intuition, inner wisdom, or the voice of the universe.

It is often in dreams or just before sleep that artists and geniuses often get their best ideas.


Are you ready for a short respite from the hum and drum of your daily life? Join me tomorrow for my Sufi Moving Meditation class -- Friday, Sept 22 at 9 am PDT.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833

Passcode: SUFI

9 am PDT is early morning on the West Coast! Here's a time converter link if you need to check the time in your location.

Hope to see you tomorrow.


Dr. Michelle Peticolas

Life Transformation Coach

Empowering Women to Reinvent Their Life After Loss

Secrets of Life and Death
