"Life is much easier if you don't have surprises flying at you like baseballs from a pitching machine." Are you one of the women struggling with stress and the pressure of parenting? Then this is the episode for you! Today I'm talking straight from...
It's time to talk about why it's important to slow down BEFORE you have a near-death experience. When I called the gas company out because of a funny smell I noticed when my oven was on, I had no idea we'd been exposed to carbon monoxide for the past...
"If you take nothing else from this (episode), it's recognizing that it's actually quite a radical act of self-respect to allow yourself to rest when you're tired." -Brodie Welch Brodie helps caring, high-achieving, women put themselves on their own...
Victoria Lewin is currently working on a book series for schools in the UK called, "Who Cares for Us?" She is compiling contributions from young carers and their families all over the world. It's covering young carers awareness, disability awareness,...
BIO: Bri Pruitt is a wife, Mom, RN and Certified Health Coach who is passionate about guiding you to a nontoxic lifestyle so that you can experience true wellness. Bri has eliminated many of her symptoms: brain fog, headaches, etc. by simply eliminat...
It’s summer, and kids everywhere are saying things like: Are we there yet? I'm bored, what can I do? I don't want to help clean up, why are you making me? The same things happen all the time, especially on school breaks & weekends. You can't st...
During a previous conversation about her toddler songs (more about those in the episode) Lee told Jen about EFT, Emotional Freedom Therapy, and they did an impromptu session. It was life-changing for Jen! After having guilt most of her life about eve...
Narcissism is: Clinically speaking, narcissitic personality disorder is defined as: a sense of grandiosity (put themselves in a god-like category), sense of entitlement, want to control everything and everyone around them. Their relationships are sh...
This episode is so important to me because I personally know of several women who have mental or physical health issues who stay in abusive relationships because they believe they can't go anywhere else due to their physical or mental health. If you...
In this episode, Jenny Eden Berk's talking about our bodies; the power of accepting who we are right now; working towards making our bodies healthier; and allowing ourselves to experience pleasure. Jenny Eden Berk is a Certified Eating Psychology Coa...