Once upon a time, people used to understand and appreciate ancestors and land and the price we all pay to keep that land ours. People...
Once upon a time, people used to understand and appreciate ancestors and land and the price we all pay to keep that land ours. People...
I’m going to tell you a secret - are you ready? You are not stuck. The kids and I have been talking a lot about school, jobs, and life in...
This year has been strange and weird and not easy, but I find I have more to be glad of than upset about.
My great-uncle died a few weeks ago. I didn’t say anything about it then because I couldn’t get my head around what to say. I wrote this...
We’ve all had times in our lives when we just knew (or thought anyway) that we were going to be in a certain spot forever - a house, a job,
Why have chickens? People ask us that a lot. And, after having chickens for five+ years I have some answers.
Ya'll - this program is so information packed and so intensive that it will transfer into the PhD program I’m starting tomorrow - also in I
Three years ago this month Conner got sick with the mystery illness that we're still trying to figure out. He's getting better every day.
There’s been a fair amount of interest in how I got started audiobook recording since I posted about it today, so I thought I’d put it all i
So here we are in the midst of this global pandemic/crisis/thing that is, I think, worse than any of us really thought it would be. But… we’