Compassion not divisionTreacherous waters, rapids and stones unseenThe undercurrent, twisting and meanCan I navigate these with no trainingI feel out of my depth, afloat on uncharted watersShould I stand and be counted, scrutinised at close quartersT...
During my core shamanic practitioner training I learnt to 'psychopomp' people. Psychopomp is derived from a Greek word that literally means 'guide of souls.' The shamanic ritual of psychompomping is therefore making sure that the soul of a deceased p...
What do you do when it is International Women's Day and you don't necessarily identify as a woman?As a child I was often mistaken for a boy even being accosted outside of female toilets and told I had been in the wrong one.I was the first and only gi...
When I re-launched my business on the Autumnal Equinox in 2019 (23rd September - which also happens to be my Wedding Anniversary!) I wanted a name that captured the essence of what I did. I had been vaguely using the name Essentially Shamanic but the...
Last week seemed tougher than previous weeks this year. Nothing major happened (although it was the anniversary of my Dad's Memorial / Thanksgiving service at York Minster) but I was aware that I was a little more tired than usual, a little less moti...
Until I autonomously educated my children I didn't really know what autonomy meant to be fair. When I joined the thousands of people home educating when my DS turned 5 and didn't go to primary school, it became apparent that we were going to be a rad...
Imposter syndrome is the belief that you aren't as competent as others perceive you to be despite external evidence to the contrary. It also includes the fear of being found out as a fraud. But it seems that actually, pretty much everyone feels like...
Dad's book had robins on it.The day before my Dad found out he was dying, I gave him an early Christmas present. I had been at a Xmas fair that day sharing my essential oils with people and I had bought a lovely homemade covered A5 book from a fellow...
Shamanic HealingAs a shamanic practitioner, I believe that everything - people, animals, plants, stone, etc. - has a spirit or soul. When something happens to humans such as trauma, shock or even just stressful life circumstances, the soul can fragme...
At the beginning of the lockdown, I had grand plans. I was going to get all those courses I signed up for over the years done, get back to writing regularly, blog every week and be more present on social media. Having had a minor car accident in Dece...