How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors? #99cent #99centsonly #cozymystery #cozymysteryauthors #cozymysteryseries #kindleunlimited #kindle #indieauthor
Working hard on book 4, Death at Rugosa Bay. Out May 1st!
Doing some research for book 4!
Little Miss Daisy Mae has an announcement about today's podcast....
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I have a podcast and keep up a blog about the process of publishing, and that alone keeps me very busy. I completely neglected those tasks this week, because things are heating up in Rugosa Bay! I even went to the beach this week for inspiration! Pro-tip, even if your weather app says it’s going to be 73 degrees in the TOWN the beach is in, it’s likely going to be much, much colder by the water when it’s only March, and you live in the Northeast. While our trip only lasted a whopping 15 minutes, (Yes, it was that cold.) it was still a lot of fun. Pets are allowed on the beach until it starts getting warmer, and so we were able to bring little Daisy Mae with us. She loved it at first, but the cold was too much for her. We also introduced her to the chickens this week. For only being 12 weeks old, Daisy is a very obedient pup. The first day, she was hesitant and cautious, but curious. (The chickens are all bigger than her) One of my girls was not happy about Daisy’s presence and kept running up to my husband and jumping on his shoulder. The next day, Daisy got a bit more courageous. She is very much a playful pup, and after one of our girls lost a single tail feather (She’s OK), we decided to keep Daisy on a leash so she’d get used to the chickens from a distance. I’ll be researching more about that this week. The snow is now completely melted here, and I’ve been spending most of my evenings having socially distant conversations with my neighbors, while my kids played in the front yard. It’s been wonderful to have interaction with people (outside of my household) again.
Had a great conversation today with @bobbynashwrites! His episode will air next Friday! Check out his site
Happy Book Birthday to Sam Likes Jam! Today, Sam Likes Jam turns 4. This also marks my 4th anniversary as an indie author! I never thought that this little children's book would then lead to a passion for writing, SIX more books, and blog and podcast for Indie authors. I've also made some friends along the way. (affiliate link) #bookBirthday #SamlikesJam #Picturebook #Iwantcake #4thanniversary #IndieAuthor #ReadIndie
Daphne McLean
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