Happy Tuesday! While there is no rhyme or reason to it, I feel like there are "question trends" among the indie author groups. A week or so ago, there was a flood of questions about Vanity Publishers, and this week, there seems to be confusion about Amazon Exclusivity. Luckily, I wrote an article about this back in June. Click the Linkin.bio for the full article. This is valuable info that you don't want to miss. #strugglingindieAuthor #strugglingindieauthorpodcast #Tiptuesday #didyouknow #Amazon #KDP #Selfpublishing #Indiepublishing #Indiepublishingtips #Royalties #publishing #Indiebusiness
As I mentioned in the podcast this week, I cleaned and organized my writing/podcasting area. It's helping me be more productive! Plus, it's super cozy.
2020 was rough on many of us financially. That’s why I became an expert and scouring the internet for any free information on Indie Publishing that I could find. It’s an amazing time we live in that with just a little bit of effort, we can learn something entirely new without spending a dime. Many of those free resources were basically bait to try and upsell you into buying a program. However, that does not mean that the information was any less valuable and that I didn’t learn from it. Mark Dawson's Self Publishing Formula is having a FREE Amazon Ads Webinar on Wed Feb 3rd. This isn't just any webinar though, this information is coming straight from the source. Janet Margot is a former Amazon employee and has behind the scenes knowledge on the very subject matter she's teaching! This is a golden opportunity for those who are feeling like they're flailing around(and failing) at getting their Amazon Ads to work. They will likely mention the fact that his Ads for Authors course is open for enrollment, and while it's an investment. It's well worth it. I'm a student, and being a part of the group alone is worth it. In fact, Janet answered one of my questions THIS MORNING. However, even if you can't afford it or you're not interested in the course, the webinar is going to be well worth your time!
Want to be featured in our weekly Indie Author Spotlight series? Click the linkin.bio to fill out the interview form. Spots are filling up quickly! #selfpublishingauthor #indieauthorsunited #Bookpublishing #Independentpublishing #selfpublishing #Thestrugglingindie #writingcommunityofinstagram #authors #Authorsofinstagram
Head over to Thestrugglingindie.com check out this week's Indie Author Spotlight Interview with @blakethunderport #IndiessupportingIndies #IndieAuthor #WritingCommunity #Thestrugglingindie #Writinginspiration #Writingsociety Linkin.bio
#NewEpisode of the Struggling Indie Author Podcast is now live! I know it's tempting to upload your first book to Amazon the minute it's finished, but PLEASE fight that urge, and listen to this episode first. ;) This week I talk about the process of getting your book ready for publication. I take you step-by-step through my own process. I discuss beta readers, editors, and so much more. I also provide resources for release strategies and marketing. Fun fact, I am just educating MYSELF on those things. So I'm leaving that part to the experts... for now. However, if you want to know what I do from the time I type out "THE END" to right before I hit the "PUBLISH" button check out the latest episode! #selfpublishingauthor #indieauthors #indieauthorsofinstagram #selfpublishing #authorsofinstagram #publishing #podcastersofinstagram linkin.bio
I've been on the fence about whether Tik Tok is good for book promotion. While this is a fictional story, someone shared this in a true crime group I'm in. This is brilliant!!
In this week's post, read about one of the biggest mistakes I've made to date in my indie author career. Linkin.bio #TheStrugglingIndie #TheStrugglingIndieAuthor #NewPost #IndieAuthor #authors #selfpublishing #indieauthors #publisher #wenesday #MistakesHappen #Mistakesarelessons
Don't know what I mean? Swipe to see the little video I made. My mind was blown when I first found out about this! (Admittedly I was also three books in before I found out.) Entering the right keywords increase your book's chances of being found organically by your target audience. Each slot holds 50 characters, use them wisely. #tiptuesday #selfpublishingtips #Independentpublishing #KDP #didyouknowthat #Indiebusiness #publisher #writingcommunityofinstagram #indieauthorsofinstagram #publishing #authorlife
Daphne McLean
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