#Happymondayeveryone Have a burning #Indiepublishing question? #AskMe in the comments below, and I'll answer them. Your question might also be featured in an upcoming episode of #Thestrugglingindieauthor podcast. #selfpublishingauthor #indieauthors #indieauthorsofinstagram #selfpublishing #authorsofinstagram #publishing #podcastersofinstagram linkin.bio
#Selfiesaturday #selifiesaturdays #Meetyourhost #strugglingindie #Selfpublishing #Indieauthor #Podcaster #Podcasting Linkin.bio
#HappyFriday A #newepisode of #thestrugglingindieauthor #Podcast is now live! Today, I talk about planning for the year ahead AND knowing your genre. Please leave a comment to let me know what you thought of the show! #Newpodcastalert #Podcaster #Authorswhopodcast #IndieAuthor #Writingcommunity #AMPublishing #AMwriting #ReadIndie #Indieauthor #podcastlife
Editing is going much better this week thanks to #AdobeAudition! Tomorrow, I'm going to discuss knowing your genre! #IndieAuthor #Thestrugglingindie #Thestrugglingindieauthor #Newpodcastalert #Messydesk #SSDGM #Bluesnowballmic #podcastmic #AMediting #writingcommunity #Readindie #indieauthorsofinstagram #indieauthor
I’ve seen more and more instances of predatory vanity publishers taking advantage of authors, and I’ve seen many posts by people who have gotten themselves in a situation that they can’t get out of. I’m so angry on their behalf, and I WISH I had gotten to them sooner. If this post helps one person avoid a costly error, it’ll be worth it. 1. You are not “Self Publishing” if you are paying someone else (A vanity publisher) to publish your book. They are the publisher, not you. As a matter of fact, when you use the free ISBN from KDP and Ingram Spark, they, (KDP and IS) are the publisher. However, in this instance, it’s not really a big deal, and many people take the free ISBN with no negative repercussions. (***Raises hand***) However, you should know that YOU aren’t officially the publisher unless YOU own the ISBN. 2. If you are approached by a publishing company, please do a simple google search about the company before entering into any agreements. Go and ask your trusted writing group, check the BBB. This is YOUR work and you need to protect it. 3. NEVER sign a contract without having a lawyer, paralegal, even a law student look into it. NEVER sign anything without knowing the terms of the contract. I once spoke to a woman who was locked into a publishing contract with a vanity press. She had already paid them a great deal to publish her book, but that didn’t cover illustrations. Per the agreement, she had to use one of their illustrators, but couldn’t afford the “package upgrade”. The company now owned the rights to her book, she couldn’t afford to get the book illustrated, AND she couldn’t find someone else who was more affordable. The book was dead, and she was out $2000. Had she read her contract before signing, (She admitted that she did not) or if she had done a simple google search before signing, she would have seen that this company had MANY complaints lodged against them. 4. Look at the stats of other books the “publisher” has published. Most vanity publishers are making $$$ off of the authors and not off of book sales. linkin.bio
If you price your book under $2.99 or over $9.99, you are *required* to select the 35% option. If your ebook file size is large (this would equate to a larger delivery fee), you *may* earn more through the 35% option! 35% = No delivery fee charged to the publisher 70% = Delivery fee deducted from publisher royalty. When you get to the pricing page for the book, it will show you how much you'd earn in each option. Choose the one that makes the most sense for your business. Linkin.bio #strugglingindieAuthor #strugglingindieauthorpodcast #Tiptuesday #didyouknow #Amazon #KDP #Selfpublishing #Indiepublishing #Indiepublishingtips #Royalties #publishing #Indiebusiness
ICYMI A #newepisode was uploaded! In episode 2, I discuss developing a writing habit that you'll stick to. January is the month we all typically set goals for ourselves. However according to the TimesTribune.com, studies show that only 8% of Americans who make a New Year’s resolution actually keep them all year and 80% have failed by the start of February. Why do you think that is? I have my theory, and I share that with you in the latest episode of the Struggling Indie Author Podcast, available to listen to on: #ApplePodcasts #PocketCasts #Spotify Stop dreaming about becoming an author, and start writing today. Linkin.bio #indiepublishing #IndieAuthor #newpodcast #Podcasting #Episode2 #StrugglingIndie #NikiMorris #Podcastlife #AMWriting #AMpodcasting
Preparing for the year ahead! #Craigmartelle #Releasestrategies #Bookrelease #IndieAuthor #Education #SuccessfulIndieAuthor Linkin.bio
It's #editing day! It's not going very well. I lost 2 hours worth of work after accidentally refreshing my browser. One lesson that I've learned so far is that if the clip is something that I can easily re-record, I should do that instead of editing out "um" "so" add loud inhales that start with me clicking my tongue to the roof of my mouth... The second picture is what that sound looks like. #podcastlife #strugglingindieauthor #indieauthor #authorsofinstagram #newpodcast #newpodcastalert #authorswhopodcast
Daphne McLean
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