Добрый день! Сегодня хочу рассказать об Омега 3, а именно о доказательствах ее эффективности. Если вы сидите за моими постами в соц сетях, то скорее всего уже знаете насколько жирные кислоты омега 3 важны для нашего организма. Внизу х...
Доброго дня!Сьогодні хочу розказати про Омегу 3, а саме про докази її ефективності. Ви ж знаєте з моїх попередніх дописів наскільки жирні кислоти омега 3 важливі для нашого організму. Клінічні доказові дослідження омеги 3 : Зниження р...
Hi, you received this e-mail because you subscribed to the newsletter on my website, participated in one of my programs or had a consultation with me. I am writing to let you know that from now on I will be sending regularly newsletter and I wou...
Hi, you received this e-mail because you subscribed to the newsletter on my website, participated in one of my programs or had a consultation with me. I am writing to let you know that from now on I will be sending regularly newsletter and I wou...
Hi, you received this e-mail because you subscribed to the newsletter on my website, participated in one of my programs or had a consultation with me. I am writing to let you know that from now on I will be sending regularly newsletter and I wou...
Hi, you received this e-mail because you subscribed to the newsletter on my website, participated in one of my programs or had a consultation with me. I am writing to let you know that from now on I will be sending regularly newsletter and I wou...
Hi, you received this e-mail because you subscribed to the newsletter on my website, participated in one of my programs or had a consultation with me. I am writing to let you know that from now on I will be sending regularly newsletter and I wou...