On Sunday, Europe shifts to Daylight Savings Time and aligns with the USA. We return to a regular meeting time: Sunday, March 31st at 8:00 am PST. Time to resurrect what is truly important in your life through connection with your creative...
Last week, a long-time member of our Sufi Community passed away -- Steve Crespo. It was no surprise. He had been living and dying with Parkinson’s for many years. Yesterday, our Sufi community celebrated his passing on Zoom. The death of Steve and st...
In the olden days before radar and satellite navigation systems, people who sailed the oceans had to develop special navigation skills – reading the stars, and recognizing signs of land. They could tell they were nearing land by the color of the wate...
Please join me tomorrow for a 2-hour immersion into breath, movement, and the moment. Sunday, March 17th at 8:30 am PST. We are adjusting to the difference in the start of Daylight Savings Time in Europe. We go back into alignment on March 31stT...
Adnan Sarhan, my spiritual teacher, was a consummate Shamanic drummer. His drumming workshops could transport you to another realm. Even the tapes of his concerts can put you into sleep more exquisite than any sleep you have ever had before. The soun...
Probably the most overlooked tool in my teacher Adnan’s spiritual toolbox was sleep meditation. Maybe it shouldn’t be called meditation, but it wasn’t sleep either. It was a deep, trance-like state that was almost as powerful as the Sufi practices th...
I was up late last night on the roof of the back building with my husband George. We were battening down the hatches for the end-of-the-week rain storms. He had been working all day putting in new rafters and everything was open to the sky. I was out...
As a reader and scribe of my Sufi Teacher Adnan’s writings, I am very familiar with the various themes and styles and their effect on his students. My favorites are his sublime writings full of poetry and beauty with descriptions of the sky, breeze,...
In my last few emails, I wrote about the ego and the negative self, explaining how they can make life difficult and unsatisfying.The emails focused on the puffing-up aspect of the ego -- the side that gets you thinking you are "really good" and "bett...
I was asked to resend this with the photos. Sufi Class Sunday February 11 at 8 am PST. The Zoom link is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89999494833?pwd=V2pOS28yYUdXM3hkaW1rVWIvSjBUdz09Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833Passcode: SUFIWhen I first attended Adnan’s Su...