Hi there, This world is loud and noisy. Every minute of the day we are bombarded by a cacophony of planes, trains, and automobiles joined by a chorus of cell phones, radios, TVs, blenders, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, and the ever-present hum of ligh...
Hi there, Time to Wake Up! -- These were the words our Sufi teacher, Adnan, always used to wake us from a deep sleep following a long chanting or drumming. It could also be the title of a book about Adnan's Sufi work.According to Adnan, there are no...
Hi there, I hope you’re having as good as summer as I am. My time at Sufi Camp is winding down. I leave next Tuesday. That means one more zoom class from Sufi camp this Sunday. I hope you can join me. here’s the link:https://us02web.zoom.us...
Hi there, I am leading another Sufi class on Sunday (tomorrow) at 8 am Pacific. I would like to write a length about what’s been going on at Sufi camp however, I am really tired. I just got finished three days as head chef.It was actually a very sat...
Greetings from Sufi camp,There has been a change of plans for the Sunday Zoom class. Janet Norquist, who is also at Sufi camp with me, has offered to let me use her laptop computer and zoom account to do the Sunday Sufi class. Here is the link and th...
Do you ever wonder what your "Life Purpose" is? I know I have. Question like:Why are you here?Who and what are you?What life is about?How can you make the best use of your slife? What must you accomplish before you die so you have no regrets? If you...
I am back in the Bay Area. Here is the link for Sunday, June 23 at 8 AM PDT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89999494833?pwd=V2pOS28yYUdXM3hkaW1rVWIvSjBUdz09Meeting ID: 899 9949 4833Passcode: SUFIHere's a time converter link to check the time in...