Make the right change. When cutting back on unhealthy foods in your diet, it’s important to replace them with healthy alternatives. Replacing dangerous trans fats with healthy fats (such as switching fried chicken for grilled salmon) will make a positive difference to your health. Switching animal fats for refined carbohydrates, though (such as switching your breakfast bacon for a donut), won’t lower your risk for heart disease or improve your mood. Comment, Share and Save
You can start at home If you aren’t ready to join a gym, you can get started with strength training at home. With some basic equipment, you can start strength training in your own time and on your own terms. If you don’t have any equipment yet, you can substitute with household items. Comment, Share and Save
The main difference between Cereal and Oat is that the Cereal is a grass of which the fruits are used as grain, or the fruits themselves and Oat is a species of plant. (Source: Ask Difference) But if you eat the breakfast cereal kind, you know with a tiger or rooster on the box, you might be eating loads of sugar as well. Some say, oatmeal just plainly taste like, well... nothing. True True, but there you can spice it up with some cinnamon etc. You stay fuller longer with the oats due to its higher fiber content but the box cereal says it has got more vitamin A, iron, and vitamin B compared to a whole grain cereal. But who eats these? What Would YOU rather eat? Share with a friend and ask him :)
Do You need to lose weight? It's a loaded question but most of us have asked ourselves that exact question. Remember just one thing: Losing WEIGHT is not the same as losing FAT! If YOU just drop weight it could be water, muscle, glycogen, etc. and mostly the result will be a "skinny fat" appearance and less energy than before. You know what I mean, right? YOU got that elusive number on the scale, but you are softer to the touch and when YOU look into the mirror YOU just feel it. On the other hand, when YOU lost mostly FAT and reached that number you feel full of energy, alive, and love the new YOU. WHY? My bet is YOU have followed a well-structured plan, exercised, and ate healthy instead of less or leaving full food groups out. If YOU Would like to chat more about YOUR options and how I can support YOU with the latter. Drop TALK into the comments and I will contact YOU.
6 Healthy benefits of drinking water 1. H2O maximizes physical performance 2. Affects energy levels and brain function 3. Help prevent and treat headaches 4. May help relieve constipation 5. May help with kidney stones 6. Boost your metabolic rate.
If you are in the process of a body transformation or thinking about one this will help. Envision what your new you realistically looks like, feels like, moves like and behaves like. Start acting like that person and e.g. eat for that body. This might be more protein OR less refined Carbs OR more meals OR more vegetables that fill you up. You get the drift. Any Questions Just Drop Them Below
Choose whole-grain bread, not refined. As opposed to refined grains, which have been linked to many health issues, whole grains have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. They are also a good source of fiber, B vitamins and several minerals, such as zinc, iron, magnesium and manganese. Just make sure to read the label to ensure that your bread is made with whole grains only, not a mixture of whole and refined grains. It’s also preferable that the bread contains whole seeds or grains. Comment, Share and Save
#Repost @jonathan_goodman101 with @get_repost ・・・ There’s a cost to getting lean and shredded and, honestly, for most people (including trainers) it’s probably not worth it. There’s real trade-offs when it comes to achieving the six-pack, tight-butt physique that the fitness industry sells you. Parties, yummy pie, occasionally sleeping in, and taking a day off of training every so often is perfectly fine. Trainers that aren’t ripped but maintain a good level of fitness year round with well-balanced lives are actually better people to teach and coach and guide you than shredded models (unless you want to be a shredded model, of course.) More often than not, these people, myself included, know what it takes to get to that low-level of body fat and simply decided that, bro, it just ain’t worth it. Figure out your goals and decide what you’re willing to do and find a coach who embodies that and you’ll do well. Because life is worth living. Overly restrictive plans straight up aren’t fun. And they aren’t even all that healthy. So why do it? You gotta find your balance. — #igfit #personaltrainer #igmodel #fitnesstrainer
Save this post as a reminder for the next time you worry about YOUR weight and share it with someone who needs it.
Wie Du FÜR IMMER Gewicht verlieren kannst... - Suche nach einem Lebensstil und nicht nach einer Diät - Geniesse jede Art von Bewegung - Der Schlüssel ist Ausdauer - "Dabei bleiben" - Iss den Regenbogen - Gemüse und Früchte - alle Farben - Wissen ist Macht, aber kenne die Quelle - Lerne Dein Essen selbst zu kochen - Trink mehr Wasser - Upgrade DEINEN Schlaf - 6-8 Stunden wären Super - Liebe DEINEN Körper
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