I have some friends who are diabetic and boy do I not envy them. Remember that there are two type of diabetes and I have seen both. The one you can control is type 2 because it is said to be a lifestyle disease. Lets look at this list and figure out if these are smart options on any day of the week. Before you comment below and scream bloody murder for taking away your hamburger or morning cereals. The dose makes the poison and listen to your body to know when enough is enough. Comment below, Share and Save if you feel like it :);;;;
Gino and Paloma just love to stick'em on their fingers before eating them and pretend "mama finger, papa finger" :) Next to the awesome way they look did you know that a cup of raspberries can provide more than one-third of the daily... Download the 1 page meal planning Blueprint FREE -> LINK IN BIO TOP
To eat fruit and veggies that are in season where YOU live is a great way to be healthy and sustainable. These days most Fruit and Vegetable are available year round and it has its upsides to be sure. Do YOU eat different food depending on the season or weather?
Where do you currently find yourself on this stress scale? ??? ? If you're looking for some inspiration and energy (stress too low), here are a few simple steps to get started: 1. SET EFFECTIVE GOALS - Goals that motivate are specific and measurable, challenging but realistic, broken down into small actions, focused on process vs outcome, and documented as a plan of daily, weekly and monthly behaviors. 2. START WITH ONE ACTION A DAY - Commit to it for the next 2 weeks. (Choose something you're confident that you can do every day.) 3. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS - Document behaviors, processes and outcomes. How do you feel different? How do you look different? What have you learned? What are you proud of? What frustrations did you have? 4. SPEND TIME WITH A COACH/MENTOR - Getting support from someone you admire, and who will hold you accountable, will make the process of change and growth much easier. What’s one action you’re committing to for the next two weeks? Put it out in the universe. Make it real. S h a r e below ⤵️
? The food industry expertly creates cheap, easily accessible products that our taste buds— and our brains— *cannot* resist. ? But here's the great news: It IS possible to beat the system. ? Here are a few powerful strategies to help you explore your relationship with processed food and take back control of your grocery cart and eating habits.
Would You Rather Give up cheese or chocolate up forever? I can totally live without cheese LOL Comment, Share and Save :) ________________________________________________________________ How I Can Help YOU: FREE Personalized Eating Guide - LINK IN BIO
Celebrity Death Match and there can be no clear winner, right? What Would You Rather Give Up Forever? Drop an Ice Cream or Cake Emoji for Your choice. Share with a friend and ask him :)
Blueberries are my fruit of the week!!! Here are 9 proven health benefits of blueberries. Not that anybody needs special reasons to eat those sweet, nutritious and wildly popular berries. Blueberries are often labeled a superfood, they are low in calories and incredibly good for you. They’re so tasty and convenient that many people consider them their favorite fruit. 1. Blueberries Are Low in Calories But High in Nutrients 2. Blueberries are the King of Antioxidant Foods 3. Blueberries Reduce DNA Damage, Which May Help Protect Against Aging and Cancer 4. Blueberries Protect Cholesterol in Your Blood From Becoming Damaged 5. Blueberries May Lower Blood Pressure 6. Blueberries May Help Prevent Heart Disease 7. Blueberries Can Help Maintain Brain Function and Improve Memory 8. Anthocyanins in Blueberries May Have Anti-Diabetes Effects 9, May help you fight Urinary Tract Infection
Bloated a lot? Is your bellies way of telling you he doesnt like what you feeding him. So try looking for options that dont blow you up like a balloon and start listeining to your body. He is clearly communicating something and you might not be listening :) Do you listen to your body? Comment below, Share and Save if you feel like it :);;;;
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